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International Ban on Wildlife Markets (Wet Markets)

Happy Hiking

Created by Anonymous

On average, every $100 raised results in an hour of lobbying from our lobbyists

My story

I watched a segment with Dr. Fauci where he was asked about wildlife markets (sometimes called wet markets), this is what he said: 

"I think they should shut down those things right away. It boggles my mind how when we have so many diseases that emanate out of the unusual human-animal interface that we don't just shut it down. I don't know what else has to happen to get us to appreciate that."

I have a lot of respect for Dr. Fauci and think he is a trusted public servant. Please watch the Vox Video above and learn about the connection between wildlife markets and COVID-19. Please help me hire a lobbyist to push for a ban on wet markets. 



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About wildlife markets (also known as "wet" markets)

Both SARS and COVID-19 are in the "coronavirus" family, and both appear to have emerged from animals in China's notorious wildlife markets. Experts had long predicted that these markets, known to be potential sources of disease, would enable another outbreak. The markets, and the wildlife trade that supports them, are the underlying problem of these pandemics. Until these markets are banned, more diseases are likely to emerge.


Elizabeth Maruma Mrema, the acting executive secretary of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity, said countries should move to prevent future pandemics by banning markets that sell live and dead animals for human consumption. She said that more than 70% of human diseases are from wildlife and the wet markets are often linked to the transmission of zoonotic viral infections. 

While these markets provide some benefit for food security and give low-income communities more opportunity, the costs to global health far outweigh the benefit. 

Lobbyists for this issue push US lawmakers to take the lead on calling for an international ban on wildlife markets. They will do this by meeting one-on-one with lawmakers, forming and joining coalitions, and using their connections to influence policy.


They will also push members of the United Nations to call for a ban on wet markets and try to influence global policy at future UN General Assemblies.


For the same price as your morning latte, you can have the same access to lobbyists as large corporations. interest groups and wealthy donors.


The average small-dollar donation to presidential candidates in 2020.



The average cost of 30 minutes of lobbying from one of our lobbyists. This is a fraction of the cost of a typical D.C. lobbyist, who charges anywhere from $500 to $1500/hour. 


The average donation to all crowdfunding platforms in 2020.



The average cost of hiring one of our lobbyists for an hour of lobbying. This is a fraction of the cost of a typical D.C. lobbyist, who charges anywhere from $500 to $1500/hour. 

What will your lobbyists do?

Whether it is a small state issue or a large federal policy, hiring our lobbyists is the best way to get your voice heard in government. Every $100 raised will result in an hour of lobbying from a member of our lobbying team. Our lobbyists: 

Young businessmen discussing data at mee

1) Research current laws and proposed legislation

2) Come up with a strategy to best advance the issue, either through policy changes or new laws

3) Use our contacts to identify the different supporters and opponents of the issue and find out where key members stand on the topic. 

4) Meet one-on-one with legislators and ask for their help to introduce new legislation or get a current bill through the legislative process


5) Help rally votes from lawmakers for the bills passage by the House and the Senate


6) Identify other groups working on the issue and coordinate advocacy efforts to ensure success

Lobbying updates

This campaign has not raised enough money to lobby yet.

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